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The Changes and Query APIs are expressive ways to interact with the Knowledge Graph of a Pod. However, they provide access to the entire Knowledge Graph, which may not always be necessary or desirable. In some cases, it may be more efficient to work with a subset of the Knowledge Graph, known as a "slice". Also from the perspective of access control, it is easier to manage permissions on a slice than on the entire Knowledge Graph.

In a way, a slice is similar to a view in a relational database, where only a subset of the data is exposed to the user. Slices can be used to filter the data based on certain criteria, such as a specific type of resource, a particular property, a specific value range, etc. However, unlike views, slices are not restricted to read-only access; they can also be used for write operations (e.g. restricting the data that can be inserted for a specific slice to a certain shape).

Defining a Slice

A slice is defined by a set of criteria that determine which resources are included in the slice. These criteria can be specified using a GraphQL schema, annotated with Kvasir directives to fully qualify the graph elements, or to express additional constraints.

For example, the following schema defines a slice that includes only resources of type Person and restricts the visible properties to givenName, familyName and email:

type Query { persons: [Person!]! } type Person @class(iri: "http://schema.org/Person") { id: ID! givenName: String! @predicate(iri: "http://schema.org/givenName") familyName: String! @predicate(iri: "http://schema.org/familyName") email: [String!] @predicate(iri: "http://schema.org/email") }

By also supplying a JSON-LD context for the Slice definition, the schema can be simplified through prefixes (see also: Querying - Namespace prefixes).

JSON-LD context

{ "schema": "http://schema.org/" }

Simplified schema

type Query { persons: [schema_Person!]! } type schema_Person { id: ID! schema_givenName: String! schema_familyName: String! schema_email: [String!] }


Using the @shape directive, additional constraints can be specified for the resources in the slice. For example, the following schema defines a slice that includes only resources of type Person, which have at least one email address, ending on @example.com:

type Query { persons: [schema_Person!]! } type schema_Person { id: ID! schema_givenName: String! schema_familyName: String! schema_email: [String!] @shape(pattern: ".*@example\.org$") }

More information and detailed documentation on the available constraints will be added in the future.

Registering the definition

To register the Slice, post the definition to the /slices endpoint of the Pod:

POST http://localhost:8080/alice/slices

{ "@context": { "kss": "https://kvasir.discover.ilabt.imec.be/vocab#", "schema": "http://schema.org/" }, "kss:name": "PersonDemoSlice", "kss:description": "Demo Slice exposing Persons that have an '@example.org' email address", "kss:schema": "type Query { persons: [schema_Person!]! } type schema_Person { id: ID! schema_givenName: String! schema_familyName: String! schema_email: [String!]! @shape(pattern: \".*@example\\\\.org$\") }" }

If the Slice is registered successfully, the operation will return a 201 Created status code and the response headers will include a Location header with the URL of the newly created Slice.

Inspecting a Slice

You can inspect the definition of a Slice by sending a GET request to the URL of the Slice:

GET http://localhost:8080/alice/slices/PersonDemoSlice

The response will include the Slice definition in the body of the response.

Kvasir also converts the Slice definition to a SHACL shape, which is used for input validation. You can review the SHACL shape by sending a GET request to the shacl endpoint of the Slice:

GET http://localhost:8080/alice/slices/PersonDemoSlice/shacl

The response will include the SHACL shape in Turtle format in the body of the response.

Using a Slice

Once a Slice is registered, all operations that are available for the Knowledge Graph can also be performed on the Slice. The base URL for the API operations on a Slice is the URL of the Slice (e.g. http://localhost:8080/alice/slices/PersonDemoSlice/) compared to the base URL of the pod (e.g. http://localhost:8080/alice) when performing Knowledge Graph global operations.

Retrieving Slice data

Querying a Slice is similar to querying the entire Knowledge Graph, but the query is restricted by the pre-defined schema, instead of relying on an auto-generated schema for the entire Knowledge Graph.

For example, to retrieve all persons from the PersonDemoSlice, you can send a POST request to the query endpoint:

POST http://localhost:8080/alice/slices/PersonDemoSlice/query

{ "query": "{ persons { id schema_givenName schema_familyName schema_email } }" }

Mutations on a Slice

When enabled, a Slice can also expose a Changes API, allowing mutations on the Slice. The mutations are restricted by the pre-defined schema, ensuring that only resources that match the criteria of the Slice can be created, updated or deleted.

Last modified: 07 January 2025